Tuesday, December 15, 2015

To Do list

I use a to do list almost everyday. I'm the type of person who tends to forget shortly after hearing information. A to do list is the perfect thing for me to use when professors give out homework or projects. I also set an alarm on my to do list so that in case i do forget to do something it will remind me. Its the perfect tool for people who forget as much as I do.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

No Technology for a week?

Image result for no technologyWhat if someone asked you if you could  go without technology for a week? What would be your response? I would ask when would I have to start? As of right now I could go without technology however it would be extremely difficult with school work. If someone asked during the summer months then I would gladly do it. I don't know about most people but I heavily rely on technology when it comes to getting my homework done. I would not take time out of my day to go to the library for answers to a question. during the summer I rarely use technology though. What can you define as technology? Is my car technology? Is the air condition unit technology? Is my cable television technology? All of those things are what I mainly use during the summer months. Is it possible for me to go without them? The television and the air condition, sure I could go without them but, not my car. I use my car to get back and forth to work everyday and without it, it would be a struggle getting through this farm land. Technology makes life simple for some people and creates chaos for others. Technology shouldn't create problems for one person and if you're that one person then maybe you should go a week without it....

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

3D Printing!!!!

As technology advances so will the ways of people taking advantage of it. I agree with the 3D printing perspective, however it should only be used for medical or business reasons. You should not be able to buy a 3D for home use. It should be for creating limbs for a war veteran not for some designer shoes. If marketed for home use will it be cheap? In my opinion the manufacture would most likely sell it at a high price. Also this would hurt small business's that rely on the consumer coming in and buying these small items. Why would you leave your home if you could just create the product you want in your living room. What would stop a boy from printing a gun out and bringing it to school and doing harm? To sum this up, I am for it if it is going to help sick or injured members of society only and not for it the being able to print shoes. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015


As time goes on our society will rely more and more on technology. The Google glasses were ahead of their time. That being said, I would only use them at home for recreational use. The apple I-watch is a great piece for advancing watches. The only downside is having to charge them at nighttime with your phone. Honestly the sad part is our society is way too dependent on technology for answers. I asked a teenager who was right next to a wall clock to tell me the time and he said “I don’t have my phone”. If you can do it on a phone, you should be able to do it on your own. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

PHONE!!!!!! PHONE!!!!!

Now a days people are so focused on their phone and not what's in the real world. I must  admit from time to time  I do indulge occasionally into my phone.  I honestly don't remember the days where I wasn't without my phone. I see my nephew on his phone for at least 5 hours when he visits. I think kids today need to get out enjoy the day rather than be glued to the screen. does the phone keep you from doing your work? I think so, there will be many times I'll be at work and check my phone for social media updates and forget the task I had at hand. It's not the phone that keeps you from doing your work but the applications on the phone such as Facebook, twitter, snapchat, or instagram. We live in a society where checking our social media is more important than getting the job done. I personally have indulged in this many times. However when I'm golfing or any other sport my phone stays in my pocket or bag. Phones also keep you busy when you have nothing to do in which the hours can pass you by. There are pros and cons to the cellphone debate in which some people are for it and some are not.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

SURE PRIVACY??!!!!!!!!!??????!!!

Privacy in today’s society is a lost cause for those who use social media. While we think if we change our profiles to private we cure this disease. That is absolutely false due to the fact a friend or colleague can easily have his account hacked and take your pictures or statements just because he or she follows you. If you put something on the internet it will stay there for life. Hackers are evolving more and more day by day and we can’t keep up with the volume of them.  Hackers are lurking on most websites we use daily waiting for you to accidently click the ad with a mouse click or touch.  Most American have no idea how to protect themselves from hackers other than making a password with random letters and symbols. Then you have the people who literally use the word “password” as their password. If you want to use these suggestions the Huffington post has provided in the article below, then by all means go right ahead. Just remember that hackers are already finding ways to crack these suggestions as we speak.  I’m not saying don’t use the internet but in fact I’m saying just cause something says it will protect you doesn’t mean it can’t be hacked. As in life there is no guarantee’s. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fantasy App

Image result for yahoo fantasy sports

  How can we make more money from sports while increasing ones blood pressure? In the age of technology we have found a way to pick players from certain teams and play them against our friends, family or even complete strangers. With revenues in the billions it makes it one of the top application for ones smartphone. The best part for these companies is that it only runs for a certain number of months depending on the sport you choose. I prefer playing fantasy football in which I use the yahoo fantasy football application. You might be wondering how this works? Well you gather 8-12 of your friends to join a league that one person sets up. Next you all come together or you can do it right off the application to pick the players you want. For example 1 quarterback, 2 running backs, 3 wide receivers, 1 tight end, 1 kicker,  1 defensive team, and 6 bench players for substitutions. finally every Sunday while your players play they achieve points based on how well they do. For instance if your quarterback throws a touchdown then you will get 4-6 points depending on your leagues settings. However this application is merely for fun it can also get very aggressive. How? Some people in your league may have a better team than you and begin to trash talk against you in a not so friendly way. I prefer this application to anyone who is a football fan and wants to increase their Sunday activities.